The Making of E.T.'s Trip to the Moon

Part of Project 1 in CS4760
Cornell University 09/12/12
Kolbeinn Karlsson

Step 1: The Images

The first step was to acquire the images. I choose two iconic movie images: E.T. bike-in-front-of-the-moon from Steven Spielberg's "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", and the Man in the Moon from Georges Méliès' 1902 classic shortfilm "A Trip to the Moon".
E.T. the Extra-TerrestrialA Trip to the Moon

Step 2: Use Intelligent Scissors to cut out an object

Next use my application from project 1 to cut out the bike with E.T. on it:

E.T. cutout
This is the mask used:
E.T. mask

Using GIMP's clone tool, I make the blue areas of the image more white and grayish like Méliès' moon.
E.T. photoshopped

Step 3: Overlay the two images

Using imagemagick, I resize the images and overlay the E.T. image on top of the Man on the Moon.
ET on top of the Man on the Moon

I use GIMPs clone tool a little more to make the image seem a little more like it belongs there.
Artifact photoshopped some more

Step 4: Cut the newly created artifact out

I then cut out the Man on the Moon with E.T. on top of him using again the application from project 1.
Moon cutout
This is the mask I used:
Moon mask

Step 5: Insert the artifact to an E.T. poster

I obtain a third image of E.T.:
E.T. poster

Using imagemagick, I resize and overlay my artefact on this image.
Final Artifact

And I am done!